Sunday, June 28, 2015

2 variations of a painting

I entered this painting late month for an exhibition ,the subject being The horse. I have no horse, did just a bit of riding when I was younger therefore I had no idea what to do till I realised that I had a horse at home ! a sculpture of one of the four famous Marly horses ( their replicas can be seen on the Concorde Place in Paris.)

Cette peinture a ete presentee - le sujet Le cheval- au salon des Cascades a St Pierre L'Eglise le mois denier. Je n'ai pas de cheval et ai tres peu monte , aussi je me suits decidee pour une sculpture d'un cheval de Marly que j'avais a la maison (la replique de ces chevaux peut etre vue sur la Place de la Concorde, Paris
The horse with silver 60cm x 80 cm   24"x32"

La pointe de Jonville et un jardin au Vast

La Pointe de Montville 40cmx50cm. 16"x19"

J'ai repris les pinceaux et come c'est l'ete j'ai abandonne l' objet pour le payage,  et de tenter de connaitre mieux la complexite des couleurs de la nature, specialement les verts.
I am back painting and being Summer I have started painting landscape instead of Still life. I have very little experience but it is a fantastic feeling to be in nature trying hard to reproduce - more to interpret it. The greens are really a challenge!
  • Le jardin au Vast 47cmx38cm    18"x15"      
  • (This photo is too blue!)