Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A winner ! Le Vast 16"x20" 40x50cm

Le Vast is a small village in Normandy, close to Cherbourg where once a year  beginners and professionals painters meet to paint a spot of their choice. - they are many! This year I joined the group and was happy to be rewarded with the second price as professional. Here is my painting

The path towards le Vast - A la prima

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Reville the beach 20"x 65" 50cmx65cm

Reville en Juillet 2015
July  2015
A hot day, the scenery is constantly changing, I have to be very fast!   I painted this on a black heavy paper( and gesso )which seems to have darken all hues creating a "stormy" effect. I quite like it.


Il fait tres beau, la scene change constamment , il fait faire vite! J'ai travaille sur un paper epais ,traite avec du gesso et une couche d'acrylique noir ce qui a assombri toutes les couleurs , cela donne  un effete d'orage qui me plait...