Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Oranges and wrapping 16"x13" 41x33cm

I am trying to avoid to be too descriptif and realist with my work. To give too many details might not be a quality after all. I have to remember that "less is more" and  that is what I have been trying to do with this painting.
I am please with the result and this treatment has taken this picture to an abstract level.

Je me suis imposee d'etre moins descriptive realisant que de donner trop de details n'est peut-etre pas une qualite.Se rappeler que "moins est plus"et c'est ce que j'ai essaye de faire avec cette peinture. J'aime sa qualite abstraite.

1 comment:

  1. Very striking - love the colors and the reflection of the orange in the front is particularly nice.
